One of the disadvantages of living in the French countryside is that there is no Starbucks!
By Howard • May 9th, 2012 • Category: Life in GasconyHaving lived here over 20 years, I am quite happy to stop off at little cafés for my short, sharp shock of caffeine whilst I glance through Sud Ouest or the Depeche du Midi. However on long weekends we cheat and fill our take out Costa Coffee flasks with frothy, milky, homemade, breakfast-style coffee and head off to the mountains for a walk. When we arrive by a lake, we sit on a rock and drink from the flasks and feel very civilised with our pretend take-out coffee.
Payolle in the Hautes Pyrenees is perfect for a leisurely walk with lake and mountain views and the goal of a restaurant and wellness centre at the far end and tree top cabins that you can rent for a night or two. Out at 10am and back by 4pm but what a world away – certainly beats the AwayDay to Margate we did as children.
Useful References:
Properties: Haute Pyrenees on Gascony Property

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